Sunday, June 12, 2011


from the left: kiseop eli, soohyun, dongho, aj, hoon, kevin

diorg just buat showcase je at pavilion.. MAIN ENTRANCE.. ingtkan showcase dorg dkt dlm pavi. 
arr... ditipu.. diorg buat showcase kt luar.. n ptg tu b4 start hujan sket.. n skejap je.. lucky us.. 
ain, ika , baby, michelle, ila the lovely cousin and ina with my 'AUNTY' aween... haha
dorg start showcase pkl 8.. myb lbey sket coz ade performances dri artist yg x knl.. 2 org.. ntah spe ntah,,
1st the mc says they will start now.. but with that 2 unfamiliar artist.. unexpected sebernanye..
xlme lps tu ukiss pon kluar!!! AARRRRHHH!! semue org mnjerit.. x kire boys or girls..
mmg rmi giler org.. fanboyz sngt rmi n mcm org giler.. da fanboys mcm tu fangirls x pyh ckp la kan.. lgi dasyat ok.. yg paling best nye mak2 fans pon pegi tgk skali.. x kesah la klau tgk dri jaoh ke.. or ape2 yg mcm jaoh sket dri crowd kan.. tp bley plak relax je bertolak tarik ngn org2 yang rmi giler2 tu.. 
UKISS performs 4 lagu..
intro+0330, shut up, binguel binguel n man man hani..
b4 dorg buat performances fanz da prepared nyanyi birthday song untuk dongho n aj... 
in english n korean...

panas! sejuk! sume ade... berpeluh cm tgh mandi!.. 

itu boleh thn lagi.. THESE IS MORE WORST! tangkap pic bnyk bnyk bnyk... BUT!!!! rasenye banyk giler pic dorg yg xde kepale.. rasenye bley buat one album for 'UKISS WITHOUT HEAD' arrr!!! sdey giler nak mati..,.!! frust!! stress!! 

nk tunjuk jugak pic kiseop yang comel nak mati!!!

SUPER DAMN HOT!!!!! kan2...

the showcase habes mcm pkl 10 lbey...
kaki rse mcm nk patah coz berdiri lme sangat!! smbil melompat lompat.. berjengket lagi coz org dpn sume mcm tggi giler nk mampos.. huh!
at the end rase mcm x puas sngt.. coz  PIC WITHOUT HEADS tu la..!!


1 comment:

  1. fith! ko pg tengok!
    gilaaa nak pengsan kalo jumpaaaa
    lagu 0330 pulak tuh!
    feveret !
